Finland through an immigrant’s eyes

Freedom of expression, communication, unleashed creativity, valuing other’s opinion and encouraging dialogues, amongst many other attributes, have featured my university studies in a country that has been dominantly ranking the happiest in the world for several years, and more importantly one of the top countries for higher education studies. I am referring to “Suomi”, Finland.…

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The week in Jihlava – Inclusive Vocational Education and Training

  In the beginning of November me and my colleague Outi Rantanen from Tamk took part to Erasmus+ workshop-week in Jihlava as a experts from Tampere University of Apply Sciences (Tamk). It was the first meeting of the project called CSTEPS. The project is focused on I-VET (Inclusive Vocational Education and Training) learners with special…

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Proakatemia – higher education of the future: team work, learning by doing and entrepreneurial attitude

Employers expect their new hires to have teamwork experience and skills, to be independent, capable of self‐initiative and to have an entrepreneurial mindset. These are the requirements that many young graduates face when they attempt to break in to the working life after finishing their studies. Proakatemia in Tampere University of Applied Sciences is an…

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