What if trust was the starting point?

What would you think if I gave you an argument that trust is the starting point of leadership? In Finnish school system trust is one of the biggest values. The whole educational system is based on trust. Parents trust the school system, politicians trust education providers, education providers trust principals, principals trust their teachers, teachers…

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World’s Best National Curriculum

Why to reform a well-functioning system? “Content of teaching, pedagogy and school practices should be reviewed and renewed in relation to the changes in the operating environment.” (Finland’s National Board of Education)  We have a new national core curriculum in Finland! Schools started to use the renewed curriculum in August this year for grades 1-6. …

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Making sense – thinking skills

I read an interesting article written by three ladies: Ms Irmeli Halinen, Ms Minna Harmanen and Ms Paula Mattila. They are discribing the Curriculun reform in Finland specially focusing the question: why Finland is Introducing Multiliteracy in Teaching and Learning. You can read the whole article here. In the Finnish Core Curriculum, the objectives for…

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Study Tour Finland: How much testing is really needed?

What a fine and international Study Tour we had last week! We at Learning Scoop team learned so much ourselves again, too. One very interesting talk we had was about evaluation and assessment. Our participant from USA started to think aloud, how much time it takes to have test after every chapter. Teachers in USA…

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Education Export – Mission Impossible?

Education export – or global education – has many critics. Exporting education is said to be impossible – even unethical. From our point of view this argument is based on few misconceptions, which I try to tackle in this post. The education export’s critics’ favorite argument is: “You cannot export Finnish school or Finnish education…

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The Miracle of Finnish Education – how do we do it?

Our pride and joy – Teacher Academy Finland (TAF) – is ready to reveal the secret of the Finnish Education. The curriculum of TAF is just finished and we are excited about it! The aim of Teacher Academy Finland is to showcase the principles behind the educational system and basic education in Finland. In order…

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Teacher Academy Finland

“You truly educate your children for life and yet get excellent results” said a bunch of Chinese teachers looking at me with their eyes sparkling. They had visited several Finnish schools and learned the principles behind Finnish education system – and they were deeply impressed. We didn’t understand what jewel we have in the Finnish…

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