Teachers look in-depth at Finnish education system

Our customers know it best! “Collaboration instead of competition” and “learning is for life” were recurrent themes mentioned during a week-long study tour in Tampere, Finland. The Finns do not believe in teaching for a test. How to follow student´s natural path of development? For example this kind of findings were done during a study…

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Future in Education – EGK Conference in Turkey

Greetings from Turkey! Elina Harju from Learning Scoop was invited as a presentator and panelist to join EGK Conference “Future in Education” in Istanbul among other Finnish professional ladies working the field of education. Also Global Teacher Prize Top 10 Finalist Ms. Maarit Rossi Paths to Math – Math Learning Environment and the mother of…

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Oi, tudo bem? A Training experience in Brazil

The Brazilian sun is hot and The Brazilian people are warm. When more than forty Brazilian educators are working in co-operative way, the loud and tension is high. I had a nice possibility to deliver three one-week training sessions for educators in Brazil, one week in Rio de Janeiro, one week in Natal and one…

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