´Developing Steps to Freedom’ – Perceptions of the Finnish Education System 1/3

In October this year, for the second year running, Adolescent Success teamed with our sponsors, Latitude Group Travel, to facilitate a five day tour of Finnish schools.  We linked with the Finnish educational learning organisation, Learning Scoop, who provided an exceptional program of background lectures, teacher presentations and classroom visits in and around the beautiful…

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Education, society and economical growth – what is the equation?

Learning Scoop Latin America representative, Beatriz Arze, performed in a radio program “Business Frequency” in Bolivia last Friday. The program is part of a Bolivian Business Magazine, and it is specialized in economy and business. Since education is closely tied to economic growth, societal development, business environment and people’s wellbeing, they interviewed Beatriz about the…

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How can we help teachers to act as innovators, part 1/3: Trust

Teachers are often expected to act as innovators in the society. Education is of vital importance for the development of society and teachers are awaited to promote that development by new and innovative solutions in education. Finnish education is world-famous for its high quality and Finnish teachers are known to constantly develop the education. This…

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Survey reveals teachers’ challenges and suggestions

Last month Team Learning Scoop had a great chance to participate International Edu Conference in Malta.  While being in Malta our experts Johanna Järvinen-Taubert and Kaisa Tuomarla conducted an online survey about challenges facing teachers in their daily work. This great article is written by Mr. Kenneth Vella, Headmaster of Mater Boni Consilii St Joseph School…

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Study Tours – connecting people

Study Tour offers a clear picture of Finnish school system, curriculum and teaching methods in real action. I’ve found three terms to describe this experience; professional, organized and honest. Professionality appears in the way these tours are held. All the trainers and hosts are clearly highly educated and well prepared. I liked the way how…

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What is pedagogical leadership?

Finnish schools are led and managed exceptionally well. It is the principals and headmasters who lay the foundation for equality and trust in Finnish schools. It is those people who make sure that teachers and students can perform at their best and achieve outstanding results. This article describes the Finnish idea of pedagogical leadership and…

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Interviewing Finland’s Education Minister

Headmaster Kenneth Vella recently visited schools in Tampere, Finland, a country which has made huge progress in education over the past few years. There, he interviewed the country’s Minister of Education and Culture, Sanni Grahn-Laasonen. Times of Malta published this interview few days ago, read here! “Learning to learn, being able to acquire new skills,…

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There is no teaching without learning

There is no teaching without learning (Paulo Freire) “Basic education lays the foundation for the pupil´s general knowledge and ability. The local authority has an obligation to arrange basic education for children of compulsory education age residing in its area. The obligations that direct the provision of basic education come from the Constitution of Finland,…

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