Innovation Institute: Focusing on the Finnish Line – Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice

The 5th annual Pine Crest School Innovation Institute Conference will be taking place in April 15th – 16th 2018 in Florida, USA. Learning Scoop Experts Elina Harju and Johanna Järvinen-Taubert as Keynote Speakers will be sharing our knowledge regarding The Finnish school system and teaching practices. Participants will learn from Finnish education experts about their…

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Finland’s Core Curriculum: Skills or Knowledge? Or Both?

Last week I was training international education experts from USA, Saudi Arabia, India, New Zealand etc. about Finland’s new core curriculum. In the beginning of the training I asked them: “How many of you have heard that Finland is getting rid of school subjects in the new national curriculum?” Many participants raised their hands. There…

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Researching Finland – from book to practice

This summer, one Study Tour participant decided to take a field trip to a faraway place to learn about the most successful and efficient school system in the world.  Mr. Rickbeil from Maryland, USA wanted to see how a different culture educates their kids.  This time he reflects how he got fascinated about Finland and…

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Less is more – a point of view from USA

This summer, one Study Tour participant decided to take a field trip to a faraway place to learn about the most successful and efficient school system in the world.  Mr. Rickbeil from Maryland, USA wanted to see how a different culture educates their kids.  He wanted to learn from Finnish successes and see what aspects…

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