It´s feedback time!

It is wonderful to get some feedback, reflections and comments from our customers. That is the only way we can improve our service and meet the needs of the world. “The General Education Study Tour was a profound, professional learning adventure. Thank you!”     Thank you so much for all your warm words and…

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Study Tour by Learning Scoop reviewed in Brainfeed magazine

All roads and even airways are leading to Finland these days. Educationists from all corners of the world are heading to Finland to know more about the educational system. We are happy to share an article about The Finland Charisma which was recently published in Brainfeed. Brainfeed is well renowned among educational experts as it…

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These are the days

July means holiday month in Finland. Like we tend to say “the whole country is closed“. Kids are enjoying the longest as schools are closed for over 2 months in a row. Time to recharge the batteries and relax the way one feels most convenient for him or her. We at Learning Scoop are serving…

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Early Childhood Education Study Tour was a success

Early Childhood Education Study Tour took place in the city of Tampere, Finland this week. Team Learning Scoop was covering the foundation of Finnish education system, success factors behind early childhood education and care and giving expert lectures on various topics. Brilliant minds brought together once again! “I had such an amazing day today. I…

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To be independent and capable

Last week we had interesting discussions about the goals of education. During tailor-made Study Tour our guests from Dubai were surprised to see how independently even our small pupils act in dining hall or were studying in a different room without teachers´ constant attention. They were surprised to hear that our pupils walk to school…

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