Outdoor Exercises and Art in STEAM projects Webinar April 27th 2023

  Free Webinar Outdoor Exercises and Art in STEAM projects on 27th April at 17.00 (CET)     Using outdoors as a learning environment in STEAM projects has many benefits. It increases students’ motivation and engagement to study phenomena in real-life environments. Exploring things outdoors strengthens students’ relationship to nature and thus gives them more…

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Sustainable development in education Webinar Oct 13th 2022

Title and theme: How to transform education through Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)? Finland as a leading example – EduGems Finland case studies and best practices. Target audience: This webinar is especially relevant to all school principals and teachers needing concrete action steps on how to incorporate it to teaching and school curricula. You will…

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Finnish Education in Practice webinar was a success! What next?

The take-aways of Finnish Education in Practice webinar are surely countless, yet most or perhaps all of us, have realized at this point that Finnish Education is not a miracle, and if it were, it would not happen perhaps then again, and it might not be applicable elsewhere. Rather, this world reputable system is built…

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Grand Opening of Finland Education Shop by Learning Scoop

Why Finland Education Shop? “You should definitely make an online course of this theme!” “Is there a web shop where we can buy these products?” It’s been literally for years that we have heard these comments and questions. While training international education experts around the world and presenting Finnish educational ideas, practices, material, and products,…

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