True Equity: Finnish Commitment to Responsive Policy

This past January I had the joy of visiting Finland to learn more about equity in Finnish schools as part of my undergraduate thesis research. I was lucky enough to be hosted by Johanna of Learning Scoop, and spend a day touring a school and speaking with students and teachers to round out my experience.…

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The Scoop on Finland

It is our pure delight to share this fantastic blog done by two Principal Study Tour participants during last week´s study tour.  The aim was to explore the aspects of school administration including pedagogical leadership and a learner-centered approach, school finance and human resources, collaboration with stakeholders, counseling and student welfare services,  system thinking, and sustainability.…

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Forest – promoting well-being of children and adults

Nature, particularly the forest, is an important part of the early childhood education environment. The forest promotes overall well-being in both adults and children. The mind becomes peaceful and relaxes in the forest, and heart rate, blood pressure and stress are reduced. Studies indicate that positive effects occur already within 15 minutes of being in…

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Teachers are teachers no matter where you go

I have been a class teacher for 18 years, worked with teachers in Finland and abroad and for last five years I have also trained both Finnish and foreign teachers. This was my first time in Malta, where we had workshops on Finnish Education.  A new country is always a new one. You can never…

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Take care of the parents, too

Before our new national core curriculum was put into practice, it took two years from municipalities and schools to get familiar with it, plan and get ready. One part of the work was to share the ideas of the new curriculum with parents and have their ideas as well. Our core curriculum is being given…

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This is not a blog

There is nothing to tell about Finland in July. We used to say that whole country is closed. Almost everybody has his or her vacation in July. Fortunately there is always somebody somewhere who is still interested in this almost word´s northernmost country.  In British newspaper “The Independent” they ranked the countries according the highest…

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