Teachers are teachers no matter where you go

I have been a class teacher for 18 years, worked with teachers in Finland and abroad and for last five years I have also trained both Finnish and foreign teachers. This was my first time in Malta, where we had workshops on Finnish Education.  A new country is always a new one. You can never…

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Skills Development for over 1000 Early Childhood Educators

Learning Scoop experts keep up with the latest developments in Finnish education. Last week Learning Scoop experts were facilitating workshops for over 1000 Finnish Early Childhood Educators in Tampere Hall, in Finland. Great people, inspiring ideas co-created and displayed by using Padlet To give you an idea how to use Padlet you can write thoughts…

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The week in Jihlava – Inclusive Vocational Education and Training

  In the beginning of November me and my colleague Outi Rantanen from Tamk took part to Erasmus+ workshop-week in Jihlava as a experts from Tampere University of Apply Sciences (Tamk). It was the first meeting of the project called CSTEPS. The project is focused on I-VET (Inclusive Vocational Education and Training) learners with special…

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