1000 participants involved with Finnish Education Roadshow in Bolivia

Thank you UPSA for great collaboration with training facilities!
What a wonderful educational tour we had in Bolivia! 1st Encuentro pedagógico – innovar en educacion es posible – Finlandia sabe como saberlo! Roadshow promoting Finnish education, pedagogy and innovations gathered nearly 1000 teachers, stakeholders, partners, parents, principals, EdTech professionals, Kindergarten teachers, pedagogical advisers, directors and other participants in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
Themes of the seminars and workshops were among others:
- Educational management and leadership for principals
- School and Family – Pillar of the learning community
- Secondary Education (High School) – Creativity and Challenges
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education in Finland
- Activating methods in primary education
Saturday big conference held a topic Innovation in Education is Possible – Finland knows how to do it!
We would love to open doors and replicate this experience in other parts of Latin America, too. Some planning and preparations are underway so plese stay tuned.
Thankful for great teamwork with Elina, Jukka, Ellimaija, Beatrize, Lauren, Kathy and all the wonderful 20 volunteers we had as part of our crew! You all exceeded our expectations!
There are plenty of pictures, videos and updates on Facebook page of Espacio Jopoi during the 10 day stay in Bolivia, worth having a look! Below you can find some nice pictures, too.
A wonderful aftermovie was filmed during the tour, enjoy!