Oi, tudo bem? A Training experience in Brazil

The Brazilian sun is hot and The Brazilian people are warm. When more than forty Brazilian educators are working in co-operative way, the loud and tension is high. I had a nice possibility to deliver three one-week training sessions for educators in Brazil, one week in Rio de Janeiro, one week in Natal and one…

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Win with the Finn – greetings from Polar Camp

I had a pleasure to attend Polar Camp last week together with other brilliant minds. There are 29 Finnish organizations involved with Polar Partners network at the moment and we all are committed to deliver Finnish Education Excellence. Instead of staying in a tent we enjoyed the great surroundings of Wuolteen kartano Mansion. During the…

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Learning Scoop at St.Petersburg International Education Forum

In the last week of March Learnign Scoop took part in St.Petersburg International Education Forum. It is annual event comprehensively covering various areas in nowadays education. This year’s agenda included the topic of Healthy school. The actuality of it grows year by year not only in Russia but all over the World. Different approaches and innovations…

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Finland’s Core Curriculum: Skills or Knowledge? Or Both?

Last week I was training international education experts from USA, Saudi Arabia, India, New Zealand etc. about Finland’s new core curriculum. In the beginning of the training I asked them: “How many of you have heard that Finland is getting rid of school subjects in the new national curriculum?” Many participants raised their hands. There…

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To be independent and capable

Last week we had interesting discussions about the goals of education. During tailor-made Study Tour our guests from Dubai were surprised to see how independently even our small pupils act in dining hall or were studying in a different room without teachers´ constant attention. They were surprised to hear that our pupils walk to school…

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Learning Scoop is now an official partner of Polar Partners

Learning Scoop is very happy to announce official partnership with Polar Partners which is specialised in delivering Finnish Education. Together with over 20 other service providers we form a great network with high expertise. The portfolio contains all necessary parts starting from Management coaching to Teacher Training and from Pedagogical software to architecture & interior…

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Less is More in Finnish education

Finnish education is famous for its “Less is More” principle. In Finland pupils have less schooldays a year, less lessons in a school day, spend less hours at school, get far less homework (but they do get some, don’t belive the staggering headlines!) etc. than pupils in most other countries. Why is that and what…

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It all begins in the early childhood…

The interest towards Finnish early childhood education has increased significantly during the last year. Why is that? For one thing, foreign education experts have realized that the early childhood education is an integral part of the success story of Finnish education. For the other, there is a lot of interesting development going on in the…

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Skills Development for over 1000 Early Childhood Educators

Learning Scoop experts keep up with the latest developments in Finnish education. Last week Learning Scoop experts were facilitating workshops for over 1000 Finnish Early Childhood Educators in Tampere Hall, in Finland. Great people, inspiring ideas co-created and displayed by using Padlet To give you an idea how to use Padlet you can write thoughts…

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Learning Scoop starts collaboration with Tampere University of Applied Sciences – TAMK

We have some delighful news to share with our global network. Learning Scoop is starting official collaboration with Tampere University of Applied Sciences, TAMK, in particular with the branches of TAMK Vocational Teacher Training and Pedagogical R&D. TAMK is a multidisciplinary and international higher education institution located in the Tampere Region in Finland. TAMK has…

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