Win with the Finn – greetings from Polar Camp

Teacher education, leadership development and community building by Learning Scoop
I had a pleasure to attend Polar Camp last week together with other brilliant minds. There are 29 Finnish organizations involved with Polar Partners network at the moment and we all are committed to deliver Finnish Education Excellence. Instead of staying in a tent we enjoyed the great surroundings of Wuolteen kartano Mansion. During the two days we accomplished a totally new level of comprehension what skills and experts we have in our network. With this group we can accomplish basically anything, as long as we know what the client needs! The camp consisted of workshops, pitching training, group work and open discussions. And oh boy how well we ate many times a day!
We had a mutual conclusion that we actually sell happiness as we promote Finnish way of learning: The World´s Best National Curriculum, Early childhood education is emphasizing free play – not academic subjects, we have short school days, very little homework, testing free environment, understanding instead of memorizing, flexible training routes and phases, life-long learning, less is more, also from USA point of view. To summarize it: let the kids be kids and enjoy stress-free childhood!
Super talented Johanna Vuorenmaa from Hehku Visual was there drawing visual notes of our conversations – what a brilliant way to recall and visualize what has been said and agreed! Can you spot Learning Scoop´ s one-liner – do you think it describes us well?
This two day event was a crucial step creating a network based model of Delivering Finnish Education and doing business on a totally new scale. Food, sauna, hot tub and the company wasn’t too shabby either!