150 times thank you to our study tour participants!

This year we welcomed 150 brave educators all around the world to Tampere, Finland! We had the honor to meet these curious, open-minded and skilled teachers and principals from several different countries from all continents! Learning Scoop is renowned for its quality study tours, which have also been awarded as the Best Authentic Finnish Travel…

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An ordinary day at Finnish daycare center

I am an early education teacher, working in Kalkunvuori daycare center. I work in an integrated group where half of the children have special needs, and that is why the group size is smaller (12 children) and the staff resource is bigger than the average (4 adults, of which 2 are teachers), but our daily…

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Why snapping pictures is great but not enough in early childhood education

Early childhood education has several proven positive effects on a child’s learning and well-being. But it does matter what kind of early childhood education we offer. Being able to bring up positive results requires competent staff, reasonable size classrooms, and a curriculum that fits the child’s needs. Easier said than done, or what do you…

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New School Year – where is Finnish education heading next?

We get a lot of visitors from different countries, who are seeking new ideas and inspiration from Finland. Finland is known to have created a very unique and original education system that has managed to combine stress-free and learner-centered approach with excellent learning results. Therefore it is natural that our visitors are anxious to see…

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Child’s Individual Path: Navigating the Road Ahead

Summer holidays have finally begun for most families and children in Finland! Most daycare centres are closed and families enjoy their quality time together! My two next-door neighbours aged 4 and 5 years shared what they would be doing in coming weeks. One of them was going to a summer cottage by the lake, hoped…

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Verso – a peer mediation program for children

“Mom, I’ve requested a Verso meeting!” My 10 year old daughter’s announcement surprised me. I knew she had suffered from a complicated situation with a couple of her classmates, but didn’t know she had decided to find a solution to it through peer mediation program Verso. Verso is a peer mediation program, where trained, a…

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Once upon a time in Thailand…

When it is pitch dark in Finland, it is lovely to travel to the sunnier side of the world. Our experts had an opportunity to train teachers and faculty staff of Didyasarin International Preparatory School in Bangkok, Thailand few weeks ago. It was wonderful to meet our study tour participants Lady and Tor again and…

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Video greetings from South Korea

I had a pleasure to spend a week in South Korea. I attended a seminar with 300 participants and held training sessions about Finnish education system, playful learning and early childhood education for educationalists in South Korea. We were also invited to local schools to work with teachers from primary schools till high school. Interesting…

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Win with the Finn – greetings from Polar Camp

I had a pleasure to attend Polar Camp last week together with other brilliant minds. There are 29 Finnish organizations involved with Polar Partners network at the moment and we all are committed to deliver Finnish Education Excellence. Instead of staying in a tent we enjoyed the great surroundings of Wuolteen kartano Mansion. During the…

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