Elena Chukhlantseva is an educator, who has a strong academic background and practical experience in early childhood education and care in multicultural and multilingual environments. A large share of her expertise is in developing and implementing early childhood education and care (ECEC) curriculum for bilingual settings based on the Finnish Core Curriculum for ECEC, the EYFS, and Te Whāriki. She has also gained valuable experience in working with children with learning and behavioral challenges in collaboration with families and multi-professional teams. Her particular pedagogical interests relate to the themes of playful learning, learning by doing, multimodal learning, and strengthening of intrinsic motivation in learners.
Elena has provided professional training to international educators visiting Finland as well as in China. Her strong belief is that shared thinking, experiences and curiosity make a difference to learning.
MA in Education (Stockholm University/Sweden, University of Tampere/Finland), ECEC teacher, pre-primary education teacher, former co-manager of a bilingual ECEC centre, ECEC specialist, trainer.