09.04.2024, Ellimaija Ahonen
Principals in Finland
In March we had principals in Finland, a bunch of wonderful visitors from US and Thailand – such an active and enthusiastic group and it was our joy to exchange ideas and experiences with you during the Principal Study Tour!
We are happy to share some insights by the US cohort Chaminade College Preparatory:
“The journey has been inspiring as we explored Harjuniitty School (grades 1-9) and Ylöjärvi Upper Secondary School (grades 10-12). At Harjuniitty, vibrant classrooms showcased Finland’s collaborative learning culture. Discussions with students and educators at Ylöjärvi highlighted Finland’s focus on critical thinking and individualized learning.
Day 3 and 4 of our Finland cohort journey brought us to two distinct educational settings. At Kurikankulma Daycare (Forest Group) we immersed ourselves in serene surroundings as we witnessed the connection between young children and the natural world. As the children, aged 3 to 6 years old, led us through their outdoor classroom, it became evident that nature is not just a setting for play but an integral part of their education.
At Hakkari School, grades 7-9, we had the privilege of being guided by ninth graders who offered us a glimpse into their educational journey. We gained valuable insights into the Finnish approach to secondary education, where students are empowered to take ownership of their learning journey and develop life skills necessary for success in an ever-changing world.”
Now having experienced this program two different times, I will continue to sing your praises. It truly is a transformational experience. Thank you for taking care of my new community at Chaminade School.
On behalf of Team Learning Scoop, experts and hosts we would like to thank once more principals in Finland, local schools and their headmasters, teachers and students for the great visits, our partner Seventen Tours Patrick and Jasmin for a great Finnish Nature Experience, transportation company and local restaurants for the delicious meals! Together we make things happen .
Next Principal Study Tour will be held in August 2024. Welcome!
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