09.09.2019, Learning Scoop
Learning Scoop awarded as the Best Authentic Finnish Educational Travel Product
Visit Finland organized a competition “Authentic Finnish Educational Travel Product” and the top products have now been selected.
In the category of professional programs, the first prize went to Learning Scoop! According to jury the quality of this product lies in experienced experts of Finnish education. On top of that the educational tours are not concentrated on one Finnish region only.
“Team Learning Scoop is extremely happy for this award as it has been our joy to connect, share and learn from participants from over 50 different countries. We have got excellent feedback of our profound and high quality training services spiced up with unique cultural and nature experiences. On behalf of team Learning Scoop we would like to thank our local partners and schools with whom we are able to reach this top quality service.” comments CEO Ellimaija Ahonen from Learning Scoop.
The selection was made by a jury consisting of experts from Visit Finland and Finnish National Agency for Education. The products were evaluated based on their attractiveness, authenticity, uniqueness, adaptability and educational content. Extra points were given for sustainability, visibility in digital channels and extending the travel season.
Team Learning Scoop will do its utmost best to offer our clients the Best Study Tours in Finland in the future too! We welcome everyone to join the ride and our ultimate purpose according to Sustainable Development Goal #4 Quality Education for All.
Get to know our Star Product here and read more about the news on Business Finland webpages.
Learning Scoop is official member of Education Finland which is a governmental cluster programme supporting the best education providers in Finland with their international operations. The programme is coordinated by the Finnish National Agency for Education.
As a winner of Authentic Finnish Travel Product competition we are authorised to use the pink logo of Visit Finland.
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